Rules & Regulations
Bellport Golf Commission
Brit Lawlor – Chairman –
Ron Krawzyck – Deputy Chairman –
Joe Dabrowski – Greens Chairman –
Jeff Nagel – Membership & Marketing/Course Assessment –
Ryan Stanley– Tournament/Membership Liaison –
Tara Ford – Ladies Locker Room/Food & Beverage –
Mike Cioffi – Men’s Locker Room & Beverage/Special Projects –
Mike Mislin – Violations –
Kevin Lauretti – Handicap/Course Assessment –
The commission will meet the last Wednesday of the month at 6 PM; it will take place in the Community Center, next to Village Hall. Please check the events calendar as this is subject to change.
1. General
All competitive sports are governed by a set of rules. The rules of golf were jointly developed and approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews Scotland and the United States Golf Association.
The following rules and regulations supplement USGA RULES. Arbitrary disregard of the rules resulting in the inconvenience of fellow members may result in censure or discipline as determined by the Golf Commission and the Village Board of Trustees.
It is the responsibility of every member to report violations promptly, in writing, through the Pro Shop or directly to a golf commission member.
It is the responsibility of the Golf Commission to resolve such violations.
2. Bylaws/Rules
- Except to the extent otherwise required by law, these Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed, or new Bylaws may be adopted at any regular or special meeting of the Golf Commission at which a quorum is present, by the affirmative vote of the of a majority of the commissioners in attendance, provided that proper notice of the proposed alteration, amendment, repeal, or adoption is contained in the regular notice of the meetings provided to the membership.
On the Course
Golf Course Etiquette
- Replace divots and repair ball marks.
- Enter and leave bunkers at nearest level point to the ball.
- Before leaving the bunker, sand must be smoothly raked.
- USGA Rules of Golf shall apply to all play unless otherwise provided by local rules, which are stated on the scorecard or may be posted by the Golf Professional.
- General Misconduct Rule – No conduct unbecoming of a member will be allowed. No verbal or physical abuse will be allowed by or to members, residents or their guests and includes all golf course employees.
- Five-some’s are never allowed on the course, unless authorized by the Golf Professional.
- Place refuse in the appropriate receptacles. (Do not litter)
Proper Attire & Equipment
- For men – cut-offs, athletic shorts, tank tops, undershirts, T-shirts, bathing suits, work uniforms, sweatpants, blue jean shorts, blue jeans, or any denim clothing.
- For women – cut-offs, halter-tops, mini-skirts, bathing suits, sweatpants, blue jean shorts, blue jeans or any denim clothing.
- Players must wear golf shoes or sneakers/ALL SHOES MUST BE CHANGED IN THE LOCKER ROOM FACILITIES.
- Players must have their own bag and clubs. No pedestrians, bicycle riders or joggers will be allowed on the course – this includes all children of members, residents and their guests. Spectators will be permitted at designated club tournaments.
Pace of Play
- Players are expected to play Bellport Golf Club in 4 hours or less.
- Players are responsible for their group maintaining proper position on the course in relation to the rest of the field. Each group should be approximately a starting interval behind the preceding group throughout the entire round. The position of the group behind you has no bearing in determining whether or not a group is out of position or whether a group’s pace of play is satisfactory.
- A group is deemed “out of position” if it arrives at the teeing ground of a par 4 or 5 and the group preceding them has completed play of that hole.
- Groups should arrive at the 9th tee in 1 hour and 45 minutes and finish the 9th hole in approximately 1 hour and 55 minutes.
- It is the responsibility of players to be aware of their position on the golf course.
- To improve your pace of play:
- Play ready golf.
- Be aware of your position on the course with regard to the group ahead.
- Players electing to stop and eat lunch at the Grill Room after the eighth hole must invite the following group to play through. If picking up a take-out order, pace of play must be maintained.
- Lottery times who play in over 4 hours, and hold up the golf course, will be subject to additional points. Additional points will effect lottery times going forward.
- If pace of play can’t be kept, the group may risk suspension of tee time privileges.
Golf Carts
- All motorized carts must be used in accordance to the safety rules posted in the cart.
- All motorized carts must be driven on cart paths where provided; this includes all motorized hand carts. Carts will scatter on course, unless otherwise posted.
- Park motorized carts on paths next to greens & tee boxes.
- Motorized and pull carts may not be taken on tees or within 30 yards of aprons and greens.
- No person without a Driver’s License is permitted to operate a motorized cart.
- Coolers are not permitted on the golf course.
- Players are responsible for the conduct of their caddies.
- Golf carts are for those golfers who paid a fee for its use on the golf course. Walkers may not stand on the back of the golf carts for a ride at any time.
- Members who wish to bring a guest, may book a tee time 3 days in advance, using the online reservation system. They can also choose to call the Starter’s Booth 1 day in advance (631) 286-4139.
- Monday through Friday, a member may bring 3 guests if the tee time permits.
- On Saturday and Sunday, no guests are permitted prior to Noon. After Noon, a member may bring up to 3 guests if the tee time permits.
- This is all done to help ensure that our members gets the times that they want.
- Please note that these are all subject to change as time permits.
Playing Privileges
- Full Member– this class entitles the golfer to tee off privileges seven (7) days a week with no time restrictions. (See notes at the end of section 3A)
- Weekday Member – this class entitles the golfer to tee off privileges weekdays except Holidays during the entire playing year. (See notes at the end of section 3A)
- Associate Full – (See Full membership)
- Associate – this class entitles golfers to play Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday and Friday with no time restrictions. Saturday, Sunday and Holidays after 1:00PM.
- Juniors – this class entitles golfers to play seven (7) days a week after 2:00PM. The junior member must always check in with the Starter before playing. Resident junior non-members must play in accordance with all Junior Membership rules.
- Twilight-This membership entitles play after 3:30PM, seven (7) days a week when available.
- Residents of the Village, who are not members, must follow the same starting procedures and Rules and Regulations as members, and must present their Village Recreation ID card at the Pro Shop before registering to play.
NOTE: On Tuesdays, from May to November, we will run our Ladies’ Tournament Day. Tee times will be blocked out according to the sign up sheet. The Starter will allow a 10 minute window before and after the Ladies’ Tournament Day. If, due to course conditions, there is a delay in the tournament clearing the tee(s), play will still be held up for 10 minutes so that the weekly tournament play is not interfered with.
NOTE: Wednesday, from May to November, there is a scheduled Men’s Tournament Day. These will be straight tee times, beginning at roughly 8AM. Check in with Starter for afternoon starting times.
NOTE: Holidays on which play is restricted are Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day. Weekday members can reserve times on these holidays after 2:00pm, if available, by calling the Starter in the AM the day before.
NOTE: Any member playing outside of their classification, is to be considered a guest. This individual MUST play with a member who has playing privileges’- NOTE: Rain check policy:
- Less than 6 Holes – Full Credit
- Between 6 & 9 – 9 Hole Difference
- 9 or More Holes – No Credit
Guest Policy
- Host players shall be responsible for the observance of all rules and regulations by their guests, including their eligibility to play in accordance with the guest rule policy.
- Guest must play in the same foursome as their host(s). (Members and residents who cannot play with their guests must receive permission from the Director of Golf).
- All members and Village Residents are entitled to have a maximum of 6 guests per month.
- There will be no guests permitted on Saturday or Sunday prior to Noon.
- An individual may not be a guest at the club more than 2 times a month during the entire golfing season.
- Starting times for guests – see SECTION IV A.
- Junior members may not bring guests at any time.
PRIME SEASON: May 1st through October 31st
NON-PRIME SEASON: November 1st through April 30th
Starting Times
Starting Time Reservation System
Please report to the Starter at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled starting time.
I’m playing __________ day, and I have no guests in the group, when can I make a tee time using the reservation system? This will all be done through the BOOKING feature.
If playing Monday, you can make a tee time Wednesday, beginning at 5am.
If playing Tuesday, you can make a tee time Thursday, beginning at 5am.
If playing Wednesday, you can make a tee time Friday, beginning at 5am.
If playing Thursday, you can make a tee time Saturday, beginning at 5am.
If playing Friday, you can make a tee time Sunday, beginning at 5am.
If playing Saturday, you can make a tee time Monday, beginning at 5am, for times that are NOT part of the tee time lottery.
If playing Sunday, you can make a tee time Tuesday, beginning at 5am, for times that are NOT part of the tee time lottery.
I’m playing _________ day, and I am bringing a guest. When can I make a tee time using the reservation system? This will all be done through the BOOKING feature.
Guests may not be added to a group that has already made times 4/5 days in advance. If you are looking to do that, times must be abandoned and remade at next available time.
If playing Monday, and I am bringing a guest, you can make a tee time beginning Friday at 5am.
If playing Tuesday…Saturday at 5am
If playing Wednesday…Sunday at 5am
If playing Thursday…Monday at 5am
If playing Friday…Tuesday at 5am
If playing Saturday…Wednesday at 5am (No guests until noon on weekends)
If playing Sunday…Thursday at 5am (No guests until noon on weekends)
I want to play early (before 11:30am) Saturday, Sunday or any Holiday (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day), when can I make a tee time?
For weekend and holiday morning times, you can make reservations 1 week in Advance using the REQUEST feature.
Any times that are looking to be made 1 day in advance MUST be made by calling the Starter’s Booth (631-286-4139)
Reservation System Information
- Member Number – All members will receive a member number when joining BGC. This number is used when making a starting time with our starting time reservation system. When you reserve a tee time, the system will ask for the member number for each player in the group. If you do not know or do not have a reservation identification number, please use the search feature or stop in the Pro Shop.
- Reservation Confirmation Number – Every time you reserve a starting time through the system you will be given a confirmation number. You should write this down, for, if at a later time you want to change or cancel your reservation, this number will be needed.
- Preferred Placement Method – This is a weighed lottery method to assign weekend and holiday morning (before 11:30am) starting times for Full members. It is based on your past history of acquiring tee times; slow play will effect this placement.
- First Come, First Served Method – This method assigns weekday starting times to our Full, Weekday and Associate members and starting times on weekends (after 11:30am) to our Full and Associate (after 1:00pm) members. You make a starting time request and the computer assigns you a tee time immediately, based on the openings available at the time of your request.
Special Service Features of the Starting Time Reservation System
- The system knows what classification of member you are, so if you are a Weekday member and try to book a time on a weekend morning, you will be refused.
- The system will not allow one member to be part of 2 tee time reservations for the same day. Once a member is involved in one group’s reservation request, the member will be refused from all other reservation requests.
- The system has the ability to service multiple groups together for a reservation. For instance, if you have 16 members who want to play together, these groups would be assigned consecutive tee times on the starting sheet. Their chance of getting the starting time they want does not increase or decrease because of the number of players in the group.
- The system has the ability to track the number of guests each member brings. At the Golf Club you are allowed to bring 6 guests a month.
There are nets behind the 1st tee area, for warming up before your starting time. Please use only 6, 7 and 8 irons and only hit off of the mats inside the nets
- Before going on the course to practice, you must check in with the Pro Shop.
- When playing the course, do not hit more than one ball to any green.
- Do not hit practice balls to greens.
- Do not hit practice balls from fairways. When hitting practice balls stay in the rough – 20 yards from the fairway. Replace your divots when finished.
- Practice putting only on the practice putting green.
- Do not leave practice balls on the fairway when players are coming through.
- The area behind the cart shed can be used to practice before 8:00am. The golfer must pick up the practice balls. Please check in at the Pro Shop to be sure the area is available.
Grill Room
- Players electing to stop and eat lunch in the Grill Room after the eighth hole must invite the following group to play through.
- When picking up take-out orders after the eighth hole, pace of play must be maintained.
- Grill Room operation hours will correspond with the Pro Shop operation hours.
Tournaments & Clubs
- The Club Championship is open to all members excluding Twilight and Juniors
- The Summer Match Play Tournament is scheduled for the entire month of June, July & August. Players must schedule their own matches or be subject to forfeit.
- All other weekend tournaments are open to Full members only.
- USGA rules apply and tournaments are subject to change.
- Local Rules are posted in the Pro Shop, Starter’s booth and locker rooms.
- Tournaments may be added at the discretion of the Golf Professional.
- All sign-ups are to be done 2 weeks in advance at the Pro Shop.
- The Club Championship is open to all members excluding Twilight and Juniors
Men’s Tournament Day
- Members & Residents are welcome but MUST have a USGA handicap.
- All tournaments are Wednesdays, May through October, with tee times beginning at 7:30AM, off the first hole, weather permitting.
- All tournaments have a $10 entry fee that goes towards prize payouts.
- Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Pro Shop and will remain up until the Sunday before, when the pairing for Wednesday’s tournament will be made.
Ladies’ Tournament Day
- Members & Residents are welcome but MUST have a USGA handicap.
- All tournaments are Wednesdays, May through October, with tee times beginning at 9:00AM, off the first hole, weather permitting.
- All tournaments have a $10 entry fee that goes towards prize payouts.
- Sign-up sheets will be posted in the Pro Shop and will remain up until the Sunday before, when the pairing for Tuesday’s tournament will be made.
Outside Tournaments
- Mondays are designated as tournaments days for outside groups. Members who wish to play Monday MUST check with the Pro Shop for tee time availability. A Tournament Calendar for the season will be posted in the Pro Shop for member’s information.
Leave of Absence Policy
- A leave of absence may be granted, upon request to the Golf Commission, prior to the start of the new golf season (April 1st), for the following reasons:
- Medical
- Business
- Financial
- All members requesting a leave of absence prior to April 1st must pay a $500.00 non-refundable deposit. Should the member return to the club during that year, a credit will be given for the deposit and the balance of the membership cost shall be prorated based upon the date of return. If the member does not return during that year, the deposit will be credited to the next calendar year dues or forfeited.
- A leave of absence may be granted, upon request to the Golf Commission, between April 1st and June 30th. If such leave is granted, 70% of the paid membership will be credited to the following season. No leaves of any kind will be granted after July 1st.
- All leave requests must be accompanied by supporting documentation, the sufficiency of which will be determined in the sole discretion of the Golf Commission.
- Once a leave is granted, a member will have no playing privileges for that year, as a guest or otherwise. Any member on leave found to be playing during that year will forfeit the 70% credit for the following year and will be required to pay all dues in full upon returning to membership.
- A leave of absence may be granted, upon request to the Golf Commission, prior to the start of the new golf season (April 1st), for the following reasons:
Procedure for Filing Grievances & Rule Violations Resolution
- All violations should be reported by members, greens staff and golfing staff through the Pro Shop. Violations must be reported in writing. Violation forms can be found in the Pro Shop, and must be signed by the individual filing the rule violation.
- Abuse of our rules and regulations will be referred to the Bellport Golf Commission for resolution and may result in the member being asked to appear before the Golf Commission. Penalties may include suspension or loss of membership privileges with membership fees forfeited.
Lightning & Course Maintenance
Lightning Detection System
A new lightning detection system has been installed at the Golf Club. If lightning is withing 7 miles of the course a loud siren will sound. Every player must immediately leave the course. No one is to resume play until the system’s siren signals the all clear. This will happen 15 minutes after the last lightning strike within a 7 mile radius of the course.
Course Maintenance Schedule
Greens Aeration
- April to Early May
- Late August to early September
Fairway Aeration
- April
- September or October
*Check in Pro Shop for postings of the days for golf course maintenance.
*Spraying will be done as needed with sign notification to members and with as little impact to play as possible.
*All of the scheduling is dependent upon weather conditions and equipment availability.
Any questions, concerns or suggestions please email Jimmy Von Eschen (, Brit Lawlor (, Ron Krawczyk ( or the respective commission member.